Our Services
Requirements Management
Requirements management is the process of collecting, analysing, refining, and prioritisation of product requirements and then planning for their delivery.
24 Eleven can help your organisation meet the needs of its customers and stakeholders through the gathering, documenting, refining and prioritisation of your product requirements
Through careful analysis, we can translate these requirements into product features which deliver specific business functionality and value for the users of the product.
24 Eleven can provide full trace-ability from Requirement to Epic through to Release.
Backlog Management
The product backlog is your intended path of execution for product development and is an always moving target for the Product Owner or Manager. It outlines the features and epics that the team will be spending their time on and help manage the expectations of stakeholders.
It is essential to keep the backlog organised and to ensure those backlog items deliver value. The backlog is not a wish list or ideas portal, and if an item does not have value, then it should be removed from the backlog. The backlog is prioritised, so the most important items are shown at the top, so the team knows what to deliver first.
At 24 Eleven, we can help you define your initial product backlog or keep you existing backlog healthy. We can work with stakeholders to provide estimates and establish value for backlog items and prioritise the backlog according to value and roadmap objectives/project goals.
Feature & Epic Planning
Product features deliver specific business functionality and value for the users of the product and can include any of the application's functionalities, capabilities, and even its visual characteristics.
A feature, or collection of features, would usually satisfy a business requirement by providing the solution and form part of a strategic objective or theme for the product which would typically appear on the product road map.
We use epics to translate product features into deliverable collections of user stories and track the overall progress of the feature. A feature may consist of one or more epics, and they provide us with the means to produce high-level estimates which we use for initial planning which can be fed back into the product road map.
Using industry-standard tools such as Jira, VersionOne and ClickUp, we can work to create deliverable features from your product requirements and translate them into epics.
User Stories & Acceptance Criteria
A user story is a high-level definition of a requirement, containing just enough information so that the developers can produce a reasonable estimate of the effort to implement it.
The acceptance criterion is a set of conditions or business rules which the implementation must satisfy and meet to be accepted by the Product Owner/Manager.
Using industry-standard tools such as Jira, VersionOne and ClickUp we can write the user stories and acceptance criteria needed to deliver your product features.
We can also produce additional presentations, documentation and diagrams to support the grooming and estimation process.
UI/UX Wireframes & Workflows
A wireframe is a simple user interface layout designed to convey the structure of a website or app without getting lost in the details of visual design.
We use wireframes to map out user workflows and journeys and quickly validate them with project stakeholders, designers and developers
This initial feedback helps us to identify and avoid mistakes early in the process. Because wireframes are quicker to create than fully rendered designs or prototypes, it allows us to explore different options and layouts without having to worry about wasting time on details that aren't needed or the time and costs of producing the fully rendered versions.
Analysis & Documentation
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard visual modelling language intended for modelling business processes and the analysis, design, and implementation of software-based systems.
At 24 Eleven, we use UML to describe, specify, design, and document existing or new business processes because UML is a common language for business analysts, software architects and developers.
It is perfect for modelling the current or future state of a system and all of the systems artifacts, but it is not the best tool for designing a system because it is object-oriented.
The Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is a standard notation for business process modelling. It provides a graphical representation of business processes in a business process model and has been designed to be easily understandable by all business users and not just technical users.
At 24 Eleven, we use BPMN to map current business process flows and to design new ones. Because we use a consistent and standard set of symbols, it is easy for business users and stakeholders to contextualise and visualise processes and compare models.